Safeguarding Children Policy


The welfare, protection and safety of every child in our care is a major priority and responsibility. We are committed to following the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board and North Yorkshire Local Authorities safeguarding procedures and guidance. Everyone working in our setting recognises their responsibilities towards the children in our care. We have procedures in place to follow if we suspect abuse or neglect and we are able to put the procedures into practice. We will refer to the Social Care Department when appropriate, work with other agencies, attend and provide reports for child protection conferences and contribute where appropriate to any Child Protection Plan.


Our first responsibility is towards the children in our care and all staff will acknowledge and adhere to this. Staff may only discuss any incidents with the registered person who will advise on next steps. Too enable us to do this we:


·         Are aware that abuse can be physical, sexual, neglectful and emotional or a mixture of these.

·         Must notify Ofsted of any allegations of abuse that are alleged to have taken place while the child is in our care

·         Keep up to date with Child Protection issues and relevant legislation by taking regular training

·         Only assure confidentiality if it is clear that a child is at NO RISK of harm

·         Only share confidential details with people who need to know the information

·         Ask parents to notify us of any concerns they have about their child and any accidents, incidents or injuries affecting the child, which will be recorded

·         Will work together with parents to make sure the care of their child is consistent

·         Ensure children in our care and only left unattended with suitable people who have undertaken an enhanced CRB check


It is not our responsibility to attempt to investigate abuse or decide if it has taken place, however we do have a duty to act on a concern and refer to the investigating agencies. If we notice:


·         Significant changes in children’s behaviour, unexpected bruising, marks or possible signs of abuse

·         Any comments made which gave us cause for concern

·         Deterioration in wellbeing which causes concern

·         Signs of neglect

·         a child is not collected

·         a child is collected by an adult whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs



We will implement the Local Safeguarding Children Board procedures without delay to minimise any risk to the child. We may then need to contact the Local Authority Designated Officer immediately, if it is known that a child is at risk of harm. We will follow it up with a letter within 48 hours. We will keep a factual record of the concern and will ask the parents for an explanation, providing it would not put the child at risk.


If an allegation was made against any adult at Ducklings, we will report it to Ofsted and the Local Authority Designated Officer, following the Safeguarding Children Board procedures.

In all instances we will record:


1.     The child’s full name and address

2.    The date and time of the record

3.    Factual details of the concern, for example bruising, what the child said and who was present

4.    Details of any previous concern

5.    Details of any explanation from the parents

6.    Any action taken such as speaking to parents



Ofsted may be informed on 08456 404040

Local social services – Ripon

Emergency Duty Team

0845 0349410


01609 774298

Local Police Station

0845 6060247

 Rosemary Connell

allegations against staff

01609 534974


 Written 03/05/09

 Review   03/05/10

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